Sunday 27 March 2016

Day 1 of Paris!

The Eurostar was absolutely fantastic and super time efficient! We arrived at the Paris train station by lunchtime and got to go buy food. I was approached by several people and i did a very good job of ignoring them until these women who were 20 something  approached us asking us to sign a petitiom to have more more funding for deaf and austistic children. One of the girls stopped to give her a donation and the 20 somethings ran away when they saw the police. The police approached her and made sure she was okay and hadnt been robbed. She was fine of course. In one of the cafes there was a woman trying to speak to me and beg for my wallet and i instantly replied with, "sorry, i dont speak french." I felt sort of bad because she seemed rather distressed. After this we made pur way to our hotel, its actually small apartments and have the comfiest beds ever! We went to see the Notre Dame and had only 15 minutes to go through before we had to be for dinner. We did it in 7, it was rather impressive! Lots of parts of it were closed, and id love to go back and enjoy it more. Dinner was really good chicken and rice and beans, but the waiter was very unimpressed that we disnt eat every last bite. The Metro is the most intense experience of my life. It is terrifying and exhilirating ant the same time! The doors open and close in 30 seconds and thats all the time available to get 44 tourists on or off. Mari and I's room's window faces out to the other windows of the hotel so she and i have been sticking our heads out and talking to the other tourerers! Thankfully this hotel has free WiFi, so thats a perk! Tomorrow we visit the Louvre, the Seine and the Eiffel Tour, and yes mom, i am using my french to talk to people.
Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a pretty awesome adventure already. Sad you didn't get to see more of Notre Dam. The story of the carvings above the three doors is my favourite, very interesting. But the Eiffel Tower is something else!!! Make sure they let you see it at night in all its glory. Trust me. It's worth it.
    - Jasmin
