Friday 1 April 2016

Day 2 of Paris and everything in between

I have not been updating in a while because of a mixture of our jam packed schedule, lack of WiFi and sickness. About 4 days ago i started getting a cold and i just cant quite shake it. Anyways, day 2 of Paris was pretty amazing. We went on a guided tour of downtown Paris and visited the Louvre all before dinner. The Louvre has been my favorite museum thus far. It was absolutely fantastic and so well layed out. It made me happy to get to see Mona Lisa and other Renaissance arts. After dinner we took a boat ride down the river Seine and i made new friends. Yes, I, Rayea Johnson, made new friends. They are Thomas and Aiden from Winnipeg whom are also on the tour with us. They are really funny and we spent the whole ride talking about our hometowns and luaghing in the rain. Afterwards we made our way up the Eiffel Tower, but only to the second level, the top was closed due to weather. It was so amazing all lit up and would twinkle on the hour like a diamond for 10 minutes. The view of Paris was breathtakingly incroyable. The next day some of us split from the main tour group and went to the catacombs instead of Versailles. The catacombs were 213 steps to 6 million skeletons underground and quite possibly the spookiest place on earth. I was scared to take pictures with my camera because of the face detector. In the afternoon we went to the train station and waited for our train to Milan. The train had the tiniest rooms that could fit six people and some real weird people. There was one guy that kept staring at everyone and a bunch of drunk people. I couldnt sleep because of the horrible noises and fear of attackers. I found out the next morning that our tour director, Colin, had been robbed by some random on the train. That was bad start to Italy, but it all turned around when our driver arrived. Fabio is amazing and i think he is everyones idol. He wears suits everyday and is our driver our entire time in Italy. Thomas has the biggest man crush on him, but who wouldnt? Hes super chill and dresses very well. We didnt see much of Milan because it was still dark at 5 am but the 5 hour drive through italian countryside to Firenze (Florence) was fantastic. I love the houses and the perfect hills everywhere. Florence was pretty amazing and i went a little wold with the leather... we had a demonstration of how to spot fake and real leather at a leather factory and i then bought the coolest wallet from them. I also bought a red leather jacket from a street vendor and i adore it. The next morning was a slow and chill day on our way to Roma. The coffee here is so good! I dont think ill ever be able to drink coffee in Canada ever again. Italians have got it down! And the gelato is to die for! Roma has been my favorite of the cities so far i believe, its has the most street performers. Street performers are the best part of travelling, they add more life and atmosphere to the world around them. Yesterday was a walk about, getting to know Roma and today we had a guided tour of the Vatican and Colloseum and Forum.  I didnt really enjoy the Vatican all the much. I found it very bland, but that could have been because i was so tired. The afternoon was mostly freetime to explore the city and the only souvenir i got was postcards. But a lot of coffee and gelato was consumed. Tyra and I found a Gelato/Coffee shop with some of the friends we made from Manitoba. The food is so good here and i never want to leave, but tomorrow we are off to Pompeii and the Capri Islands, which will be exciting! Hopefully i dont forget my camera like i did today!

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