Thursday 7 April 2016

A bid thee adieu, Europe, its been a slice

Alright, so yesterday was officially the official last day in Europe. We spent the morning at the beach and the short while i was out there i burned my shoulders pretty good. Personally i blame the salt water, it cant possibly be because i forgot sunscreen... never... Anyhow, we walked downtown to find some salty and sweet food and got the perfect antidote to our cravings. French fries and chocolate milkshakes. Just like in that one episode of Kim Possible, i dipped my fries in the shake and it was so incredibly delicious! I was super tired, but that was probably because i had a touch of heat stroke. Apparently i am extremely irresponsible when it comes to sunshine and heat! But i had an hour nap and then didnt go to bed until 1 am. I would have gone to bed sooner, but the realization that i probably wont see the friends i made from Winnipeg hit me hard. It was very upsetting sitting around all these people that 2 weeks ago were strangers and are now close friends i shared huge life experiences with. We got to the airport at 4 and by 430 am we were through security with 2 hours to burn. I, of course,started listening to music and thinking about everything from this trip. I have done, seen and learned so much! I feel as though i have become a more confident person, but thats what travelling does, isnt it? Our tour director, Colin, was absolutely fantastic! He went out of his way to make sure the trip went well for us, no matter how much it effected him. Because of the strike at the airport, he had to stay with us for an extra day, this meant he never got his day off before his next tour and didnt get to see his significant other. He was so great, even though he didnt looove his job, it was just a job, he worked above and beyond what is expected from him. He will be missed, but i have him on instagram, so that all good. The people ive met on this trip have been extraordinary, ive met people that had personalities i have never encountered before and i guess thats what happens when you step outside the walls of a village of 4,500. I will miss everyone and everything dearly and most certainly will return someday. Good bye Europe, its been a slice.

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