Tuesday 5 April 2016

Delphi and Athens

The 18 hour ferry ride to Greece turned out to not be so terrible. I spent most of my time on the sun deck watching the water. I got to see jellyfish and a pod of dolphins! DOLPHINS. We only them coming up for air, but it was still super cool! We got off at around 7 oclock and drove 3 hours to Delphi. We visited the ancient ruins and i thought i was going to die. It is ridiculously warm here and i was in pants and a scarf. If i ever come back here, itll be in february or january. The Greeks are so friendly and smiley and i love them! We got free time to wander around Delphi until the late hours of the evening and got to sleep in before driving another 3 hours this morning to Athens. Its pretty grubby here. Waaaaay to much garbage. Everywhere. But the beach is really nice, so it all evens out in the end!

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