Thursday 7 April 2016

Athens: the last day... or is it?

Yesterday was our last day in Athens and it began with a tour of the panthagon and a tour of the ruins. It was extremely hot and i made the mistake of forgetting my water bottle and almost dying several times on our walk. Afterwards we were giving 5 hours of freetime in Plaka and i have never felt so creeped out by the people. There was dozens of african men giving away bracelets and making you wishes of good health, which was sweet and all, but they were flirtatious little creeps. Everyone is a flirtatious slime! I have never experienced people trying to sell things by repeating "youre so beautiful" and the Greeks are way to open about their sexuality. I dont give a care about what you think about, just leave me alone. It was gross, but i still like Greece, its a pretty cool place. After 2 hours of waking up and down streets and getting cornered by street vendors we gave up and went to a cafe and ate food so we could use their washroom. We ate sooooo much there that Thomas, Tyra, Kent, Mari and I didnt even eat dinner. We then found out that our 6 am flight was cancelles due to a 24 hour strike in the Athens airport. Today we are getting transfered to a different hotel and flying out tomorrow at some time. Hopefully. So i guess ill see everyone at some point!

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